
Showing posts from December, 2017

Gaming The Future By Your Super Power

Recently, a friend suggested me to try Medium, a new popular Blog site. Therefore, I decided to try it this week:  Gaming The Future By Your Super Power @ Medium .  Enjoy.

4 Day Work Week

No, I’ve no interest to talk about 4/10 work week because many people already work more than 10 hour a day even for 5+ day a week. 4DWW is inevitable. The question is when not if. Full disclosure: as an employee, I want it sooner rather than later. Nevertheless, I do sincerely believe it is a good thing for everyone, including employers for the long run. Or, at least for those highly capable employers ;) Again, I’m going to be helpless optimistic as usual, because the timing is about right. To great leaders in Silicon Valley, lead the way please. Bonus: whoever makes it work first not only gets real advantages, but also the credit to shape the future. “ That's one small step for (a) man; one giant leap for mankind.  ” toward “ Star Trek Utopia ”. ST: TNG 30th Anniversary The Beginning Of The End It is more meaningful to talk about 4DWW long term benefits instead of its short term effects. Because, leaders should alway prioritize the long term...